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<研究>腦力益智遊戲不會讓你變聰明尷尬了... 原來是這樣,小時候我都跟啊目說打電腦遊戲是為了訓練腦力讓我更聰明來的...這個理由讓我用電腦玩大富翁長大了QAQ...(益智遊戲可以變聰明都是用來騙玩具的)啊...那就玩寶可夢吧~至少還可以運動,例如去追稀有怪!? (小豆豆堆積如山的玩具) 根據 BBC 公佈的一項研究結果,11,430 人在連續幾週玩過這類遊戲後,都沒有變得比較聰明。 BBC 讓一個 理論驗證節目 的觀眾,使用一系列由阿茲海墨學會(Alzheimer's Society)和醫療研究會議(Medical Research Council)的科學家所設計的腦力訓練遊戲。 實驗結果公佈在 BBC 的網站(網頁已失效了)和 自然雜誌(PDF檔)。研究人員發現,雖然這些人玩遊戲的技巧都純熟許多,但在日常生活的思考、推理、記憶或問題解決能力上,幾乎毫無改善。 下一代要想新的理由騙爸媽玩電腦了,比方說:學校要交功課? 不過我對小孩使用 3C 的態度是開放且支持的,水可覆舟亦可載舟,就看大人的智慧了,現在已經是科技的時代了,不懂科技怎麼有競爭力呢? ![]() Putting brain training to the test ‘Brain training’, or the goal of improved cognitive function through the regular use of computerized tests, is a multimillion-pound industry1, yet in our view scientific evidence to support its efficacy is lacking. Modest effects have been reported in some studies of older individuals2, 3 and preschool children4, and video-game players outperform non-players on some tests of visual attention5. However, the widely held belief that commercially available computerized brain-training programs improve general cognitive function in the wider population in our opinion lacks empirical support. The central question is not whether performance on cognitive tests can be improved by training, but rather, whether those benefits transfer to other untrained tasks or lead to any general improvement in the level of cognitive functioning. Here we report the results of a six-week online study in which 11,430 participants trained several times each week on cognitive tasks designed to improve reasoning, memory, planning, visuospatial skills and attention. Although improvements were observed in every one of the cognitive tasks that were trained, no evidence was found for transfer effects to untrained tasks, even when those tasks were cognitively closely related. 你可能有興趣的文章: #《看裸女測試你的腦怎麼思考》 #《阿滋海默症自我檢驗篇:眼花撩亂法、AD-8早期失智篩量表、花生醬法》 ---------------------------------------- 支持小惡魔 BTC : 19tn3RnCuwZVukXAwyhDWZD4uBgUZoGJPx LTC : LTFa17pSvvoe3aU5jbmfcmEpo1xuGa9XeA 知識跟八卦一樣,越多人知道越有價值;知識最好的備份方法,散播! 藍色小惡魔(林永傑): 臉書 ---------------------------------------- [編輯文章 22 次, 最後修改: jieh 於 2017/8/21 下午 04:07:35] |
Re: 研究:腦力益智遊戲不會讓你變聰明https://120imp.blogspot.tw/2017/08/brain.html#0821t19:Applet ID 59869967d 2014:100, 2015:125, 2016:155, 2017:x=210+1=0 http://blog.xuite.net/blueimp/blog/33287269 ---------------------------------------- 支持小惡魔 BTC : 19tn3RnCuwZVukXAwyhDWZD4uBgUZoGJPx LTC : LTFa17pSvvoe3aU5jbmfcmEpo1xuGa9XeA 知識跟八卦一樣,越多人知道越有價值;知識最好的備份方法,散播! 藍色小惡魔(林永傑): 臉書 ---------------------------------------- [編輯文章 5 次, 最後修改: jieh 於 2017/8/21 下午 04:23:31] |