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男寶寶 jieh 《騎士團團長》
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Bitcoin Bitstamp 推出新的交易功能:連續掛單交易

這功能很酷耶!希望 btc-e 也趕緊跟上,不然後面挖的 BTC 要進去 bitstamp 交易,但是現在放在 btc-e 內的轉出來手續費又太高,尷尬啊~

假設你賬戶只有 1BTC 而沒有美金,可以先掛上去賣,例如 700USD 賣... 接著可以再掛第二單要 600USD 買 1BTC。


so... 這不是很方便嗎?


Dear Bitstamp users,

We added a new feature to improve your trading experience. When placing a limit order you are now able to set a consecutive buy/sell order at a price at which you wish to buy/sell after the first order is filled.

- You can place a buy limit order for 1 BTC at a price of $500
- Corresponding with that order you have an option to place a sell order at $510
- When or if your buy order gets filled at $500, a sell order will be placed in the orderbook at $510

This feature is available for Limit Orders only. To use it, click on (Advanced) and fill the Buy/Sell If Executed Price field.

Thank you for using Bitstamp
Bitstamp team

BTC : 19tn3RnCuwZVukXAwyhDWZD4uBgUZoGJPx
LTC : LTFa17pSvvoe3aU5jbmfcmEpo1xuGa9XeA
藍色小惡魔(林永傑): 臉書
[編輯文章 1 次, 最後修改: jieh 於 2014/2/10 下午 02:30:53]

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