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Bitcoin MtGox 公佈問題處理的進度!?崩盤了!我想這就是目前在下班時間開始瘋狂崩盤的主因了,MtGox 說這個問題不是他們自己的,而是整個 Bitcoin 的嚴重問題!?因為太聳動了~ 已改轉貼自 比特幣之家 網友 那誰兒 的翻譯... MT.Gox暫停提現事件最新聲明全文翻譯 2014-2-10 20:26| 發布者: 那誰兒| 查看: 344| 評論: 0|來自: 比特幣之家 摘要: 尊敬的MtGox用戶和比特幣玩家 眾所周知,MtGox團隊一直在努力的去解決比特幣提現的錢包地址問題。比特幣提現指的是從MtGox的比特幣錢包裏提取到外部的比特幣錢包地址裏面。包括比特幣交易的任何MtGox比特幣地址, ... 尊敬的MtGox用戶和比特幣玩家 眾所周知,MtGox團隊一直在努力的去解決比特幣提現的錢包地址問題。比特幣提現指的是從MtGox的比特幣錢包裏提取到外部的比特幣錢包地址裏面。包括比特幣交易的任何MtGox比特幣地址,但貨幣(日元、歐元)的提現不受影響。 我們確定這個問題不僅僅局限於MtGox,還會影響到接收比特幣的第三方所有交易。我們認為解決了這一問題將會對比特幣社區產生長期的積極影響,因此我們暫停了比特幣提現,直到這個技術問題得到解決。 錢包地址的分叉 在過去的幾周MtGox已經檢測到它的比特幣錢包的不正常運作,並且以對此進行了調查。這證實了目前的比特幣交易需要經過更嚴格的審查。 非技術性解釋: 比特幣的軟件缺陷可能會發生重復交易。即一些人使用比特幣網絡去改變比特幣交易的處理,表面上看起來比特幣已經從一個地址發送到了另一個地址並沒有成功,實際上這已經成功。因為,如果它沒有正確地進行交易時,比特幣可以重新發送。MtGox和他的的核心開發團隊正在努力解決這個問題。 我們相信這能通過使用一個不同的哈希值去跟蹤交易從而解決這個問題。而網絡將繼續使用當前的哈希值,包括每一個塊鏈梅克爾樹。新哈希值的目的是為了跟蹤給定的交易,並且可以通過SHA256算法給出的確切的哈希值進行計算和指引(目前相同交易方式的哈希值)。 技術解釋: 比特幣交易客戶端在設計上出現了一個問題,雖然關於這個問題一部分核心開發者曾經在BitcoinTalk論壇上提到過,但該問題在很大程度上還是被忽視掉了。這個缺陷(以下簡稱BUG)稱為“交易可塑性”,會使第三方改變已完成的交易,導致交易結果分布在一個不同的散列。當然,交易雙方的任何一人都可以完成驗證。然而,如果當事人覺得交易的速度不夠快而改變了交易速度,例如直接連接到不同的采礦池,甚至只分配了少量的挖掘能力,那麽它就會很容易地導致blockchain散列變更。(可以理解為:大量客戶端連接的結點(比如礦池等)可以修改比特幣交易信息,從而把同一筆交易多次寫入比特幣區塊鏈,而能夠將同一筆幣多次發送給他人。) 比特幣應用程序接口“sendtoaddress”被廣泛應用於將比特幣發送給一個指定的地址,這樣做可以通過插入散列交易來追蹤blockchain錢包。 大多數的錢包和交易服務記錄散列是為了方便用戶查詢他們的交易記錄。但是由於BUG,這些服務記錄散列很有可能不會采集到您的blockchain錢包信息。 這意味著一個人可以在散列記錄blockchain錢包信息之前從任意一次交易或錢包中獲得比特幣,然後在交易未完成的情況下聯系開取服務證明。如果變更失敗的話,可以很簡單地收回比特幣,再試一次,直到成功。 這一新的交易哈希將會允許簽名方跟蹤他們已經簽過名的任意交易記錄並且使得即使是過去的交易也能很容易計算。 我們已經與比特幣的和新開發人員討論解決方案,一旦情況允許,我們將允許把比特幣再次提回,並使這個過程標準化。 同時,交易與錢包服務—任何向第三方發送貨幣的服務—應當小心提防任何聲稱他們的交易沒有完成的人。 註意這也會影響其他任何使用與比特幣相同方案的加密貨幣。 綜上所述: 實事求是地說,牢記比特幣是一種新技術且比特幣仍處在它的非常早期的階段非常重要。MtGox與比特幣社區在過去一年裏經歷的是難以置信且令人鼓舞的挑戰,而且我們為了進一步的改善要做的還有很多。 一旦找到一種能夠最好地解決上述問題、服務於我們客戶的方式,MtGox將恢復把比特幣提現到外部錢包的服務。 我們將會盡可能地公布這一問題狀況的更多信息 對您能花費時間,特別是耐心地閱讀這些信息,我們深表謝意 謹致以最誠摯的問候 MtGox團隊 Dear MtGox Customers and Bitcoiners, As you are aware, the MtGox team has been working hard to address an issue with the way that bitcoin withdrawals are processed. By "bitcoin withdrawal" we are referring to transactions from a MtGox bitcoin wallet to an external bitcoin address. Bitcoin transactions to any MtGox bitcoin address, and currency withdrawals (Yen, Euro, etc) are not affected by this issue. The problem we have identified is not limited to MtGox, and affects all transactions where Bitcoins are being sent to a third party. We believe that the changes required for addressing this issue will be positive over the long term for the whole community. As a result we took the necessary action of suspending bitcoin withdrawals until this technical issue has been resolved. Addressing Transaction Malleability MtGox has detected unusual activity on its Bitcoin wallets and performed investigations during the past weeks. This confirmed the presence of transactions which need to be examined more closely. Non-technical Explanation: A bug in the bitcoin software makes it possible for someone to use the Bitcoin network to alter transaction details to make it seem like a sending of bitcoins to a bitcoin wallet did not occur when in fact it did occur. Since the transaction appears as if it has not proceeded correctly, the bitcoins may be resent. MtGox is working with the Bitcoin core development team and others to mitigate this issue. Technical Explanation: Bitcoin transactions are subject to a design issue that has been largely ignored, while known to at least a part of the Bitcoin core developers and mentioned on the BitcoinTalk forums. This defect, known as "transaction malleability" makes it possible for a third party to alter the hash of any freshly issued transaction without invalidating the signature, hence resulting in a similar transaction under a different hash. Of course only one of the two transactions can be validated. However, if the party who altered the transaction is fast enough, for example with a direct connection to different mining pools, or has even a small amount of mining power, it can easily cause the transaction hash alteration to be committed to the blockchain. The bitcoin api "sendtoaddress" broadly used to send bitcoins to a given bitcoin address will return a transaction hash as a way to track the transaction's insertion in the blockchain. Most wallet and exchange services will keep a record of this said hash in order to be able to respond to users should they inquire about their transaction. It is likely that these services will assume the transaction was not sent if it doesn't appear in the blockchain with the original hash and have currently no means to recognize the alternative transactions as theirs in an efficient way. This means that an individual could request bitcoins from an exchange or wallet service, alter the resulting transaction's hash before inclusion in the blockchain, then contact the issuing service while claiming the transaction did not proceed. If the alteration fails, the user can simply send the bitcoins back and try again until successful. We believe this can be addressed by using a different hash for transaction tracking purposes. While the network will continue to use the current hash for the purpose of inclusion in each block's Merkle Tree, the new hash's purpose will be to track a given transaction and can be computed and indexed by hashing the exact signed string via SHA256 (in the same way transactions are currently hashed). This new transaction hash will allow signing parties to keep track of any transaction they have signed and can easily be computed, even for past transactions. We have discussed this solution with the Bitcoin core developers and will allow Bitcoin withdrawals again once it has been approved and standardized. In the meantime, exchanges and wallet services - and any service sending coins directly to third parties - should be extremely careful with anyone claiming their transaction did not go through. Note that this will also affect any other crypto-currency using the same transaction scheme as Bitcoin. Conclusion To put things in perspective, it's important to remember that Bitcoin is a very new technology and still very much in its early stages. What MtGox and the Bitcoin community have experienced in the past year has been an incredible and exciting challenge, and there is still much to do to further improve. MtGox will resume bitcoin withdrawals to outside wallets once the issue outlined above has been properly addressed in a manner that will best serve our customers. More information on the status of this issue will be released as soon as possible. We thank you for taking the time to read this, and especially for your patience. Best Regards, MtGox Team https://www.mtgox.com/press_release_20140210.html ---------------------------------------- 支持小惡魔 BTC : 19tn3RnCuwZVukXAwyhDWZD4uBgUZoGJPx LTC : LTFa17pSvvoe3aU5jbmfcmEpo1xuGa9XeA 知識跟八卦一樣,越多人知道越有價值;知識最好的備份方法,散播! 藍色小惡魔(林永傑): 臉書 ---------------------------------------- [編輯文章 2 次, 最後修改: jieh 於 2014/2/10 下午 11:15:43] |