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男寶寶 jieh 《騎士團團長》
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Bitcoin 快去更新比特幣錢包到 0.9.1


這次的更新官網有告知所有人務必要更新:“This is a maintenance release to fix an urgent security vulnerability (CVE-2014-0160); all users should upgrade.”


這次解決了最近熱門的 OpenSSL 的問題!

0.9.1 Release notes

No code changes were made between 0.9.0 and 0.9.1. Only the dependencies were changed.

- Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.0.1g. This release fixes the following vulnerabilities which can
affect the Bitcoin Core software:

- CVE-2014-0160 ("heartbleed")
A missing bounds check in the handling of the TLS heartbeat extension can
be used to reveal up to 64k of memory to a connected client or server.

- CVE-2014-0076
The Montgomery ladder implementation in OpenSSL does not ensure that
certain swap operations have a constant-time behavior, which makes it
easier for local users to obtain ECDSA nonces via a FLUSH+RELOAD cache
side-channel attack.

- Add statically built executables to Linux build

BTC : 19tn3RnCuwZVukXAwyhDWZD4uBgUZoGJPx
LTC : LTFa17pSvvoe3aU5jbmfcmEpo1xuGa9XeA
藍色小惡魔(林永傑): 臉書
[編輯文章 2 次, 最後修改: jieh 於 2014/4/12 下午 01:09:22]

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